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The word ‘luxury’ evokes such a powerful image in our minds. We see elegance, beauty and a dash of personality shining through that word every time it is uttered. Luxury is something our team at The Heritage Wardrobe Company are renowned for and you’ll see this in abundance when you speak to one of our experienced wardrobe designers.

Every detail and each minuscule feature will be discussed and planned at length with yourself. The result will be a plan for the most wonderful of wardrobes designed around your home. We’ve worked with families that desire a simple walk-in wardrobe with intricate features to those that want to transform a room of their home into a bespoke dressing room. Only with The Heritage Wardrobe Company can you be sure of getting the finest and most elegant finish.

From the smallest of details like cornice designs, where to place sliding drawers and what colour lights you want to backlight your clothes, to the big decisions like the wood and the finish, trust in our team at The Heritage Wardrobe Company. We have a professional team of wardrobe designers in London waiting to transform your home with their expertise.

To discover more about our wardrobe designers and how they can influence your home with a sprinkling of luxury, get in contact with us today.